Sale of business advisory

The disposal of a business is probably the most risky decision any business owner will take other than the decision to acquire or start the business in the first place. The process is highly stressful and places significant strain on both the owner and the management team. They have to liaise with prospective investors, prepare information to facilitate due diligence on the business, and negotiate the terms of the Transaction, all while continuing to run an efficient business.

why crest capital?

Our directors have advised sellers in the disposal of small and large businesses across a diverse range of industries.

We remove a significant part of the risk and stress involved in selling your business.

Our inclusive process limits value erosion during the sale.

We have assisted many businesses through this process and have managed to avoid the value erosion that so often occurs whether from an inefficiently managed process, ineffective marketing of the business, setting an unrealistic selling price, competitors taking advantage of management’s preoccupation with the Transaction to poach customers and staff, to name a few.

We guide you through the entire sale process which will typically include grooming the business for sale, valuing the business, preparing an information memorandum, introducing you to suitable buyers, structuring the transaction to ensure tax efficiency, negotiating terms and assisting in the drafting of legal agreements.

Our directors have vast networks which facilitate the identification of a diverse group of potential buyers from which the most suitable acquirer will be found.

The sale of a business is a complex process and in order to ensure your transaction objectives are met, the process should be entrusted to a team of highly qualified and experienced dealmakers. Crest Capital’s directors have many years of experience in guiding business owners through the complexities of the sale of their business and, in the process, ensuring that the optimal end result is achieved.

Unlike business brokers, we are selective in the deals we take on, hence we will typically work on fewer transactions but will dedicate a much greater proportion of our time to ensure that each deal is successfully concluded

Our fee structure ensures that our interests are aligned with those of the seller, hence we are incentivised to secure the best deal for you.